Spent a good part of my day today setting up my demo pages for my new Lollipop Actions. Ive had a lot of questions about them as well as the Sky Cam and I will be offering them for sale in the MA Store (which is almost finished) shortly.

Lollipops will allow photographers to boost selective colors with a single click saving them valuable time. I have been working on these photoshop actions (which is a set of scripts programmed within photoshop) for several months. Some of them include:

– Blonde Highlighter (makes blonde hair pop)
– Tanning Bed (gives an instant tan to lighter skin tones)
– Lime Aide (greener grass, etc)
– Blueberry Filling (Bluer skies), etc

There are over 15 actions included with the set.

Here is a sample image, this one is Blueberry Filling. While the original image isnt bad, the second seems to catch the eye just that much more. Notice that all the other colors remain the same instead of casting a blue hue over everything. This is where these actions become very useful…often there is only one color that seems a little dull. I would have bought them myself but couldnt find them anywhere, so I decided to develop them.

These actions should go on sale this week and will be available for only $79 through the Michael Andrew Store.