Adam and I have been going through all the videos to release as DVDs and boy let me tell you, they are a ton of work. The DVDs are much different than doing downloads. If we make a mistake with the download, we can correct it and then update it.

If we make a mistake with a DVD, and go to press, there is no turning back, that one little mistake will be perpetuated on every single copy. Another huge problem is the DVDs have menus and chapter navigation, buttons and links. Another problem is we are limited to size (the amount of info on one DVD is limited to just under 4 hours, we try to put as much as we can on there.)

As crazy as this sounds, when we think we have a very good rough draft we burn a test copy. This is after we think we have everything right, and it has already been checked for content, audio and spelling. Then we start going through everything, links, routing, buttons, check the lessons again etc.

I am absolutely amazed how frequently we find errors after watching it over and over and over, we still find errors, and what I have learned is to just be patient, do your best and slowly but surely ….improve the position. Once you are able to clearly identify a problem, and you know for sure you can make it better, it’s just a matter of time before you have something you are proud of.

Be patient, stay focused and continue to improve your position.

This image is the stack of “test DVDs” we went through to produce the Canon 60D DVD last year, each time finding errors that required us to make another draft:35+ attempts.