One of my students Neil Horn sent this one in, he shot and edited it, and from what I understand, this is his first video. Really amazing job Neil!
I am also sharing his company’s kick starter project because I think it is a great idea and will back it. I currently use a Mophie Juice Pack for a back up battery, but if this adds expandable memory and a new light, it is definitely worth trying out.
Neil tells me they will have these for the iPhone 5 as well. (Ill be honest, I will be getting one, but was hoping for something a little more innovative. Apple makes excellent products, and the new upgrades are welcome, I think maybe we have all been spoiled by having them knock our socks off so many times.).
Congrats Neil on your video and kick starter project!
iExpander Kick Starter Project
Is their a link to the preorder site.
Just click on the "K" in the bottom right hand corner of the video