Ladies and Gentlemen, I am in the final preparatory stages of submitting my Haiti Book for publication. I have a new found respect for authors, Book writing (editing in particular) is so tedious and time consuming I still cannot fathom it. We have had about a dozen test readers go through it already, all very positive reviews with most reading it entirely in a 1-2 days.
The Title, which is already registered with an ISBN number will be “3 Weeks in Haiti”, and this is what I have for the front cover as of now. I expect it will change a little between now and publication.
I am told that it will take about 4-6 weeks before the e version of the book appears on bookstores like iTunes, Amazon, Kindle, etc. I expect a paperback version to be available shortly thereafter.
I will keep you all posted as to how everything develops, as well as the process I decided to use to self publish.
Here is the cover:
Michael, I’m so excited for you to have this opportunity to share this experience with the rest of the world. You are such a self-sacrificing young man and I love you very much.
I think you should "tease" us a little further with a page excerpt from your book! 🙂
I am so proud of you!
Hi Michael, glad you have completed this stage of your work, the cover looks fantastic… Congrats…!!!