Im not here to tell you to run out and buy the latest and greatest just because. I prefer to “measure and report”. Thank you to BH photo for their continued support, links to these lenses can be found below:
TL/DW – The 8-16 f2.8 is an incredibly well built Fuji XF Pro Red Label lens, but with 20 lens elements it has some limitations in both sharpness as well as exposure. You won’t see them unless you are shooting side by side with the 10-24 f4 and really pixel peeping, but at $2000 ($1000 more than the 10-24 f4), I don’t think its worth it unless you are a professional making money with your photography. IMO the 8-16 2.8 should be priced around $1100.
Michael’s training videos:
* Michael The Maven is a participant in the B&H Photo Video affiliate program that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through our links.
* If you purchase something from my affiliate links, I will get a small commission with no extra cost to you.
* Everything stated here is my opinion, and I sometimes make mistakes. I will never recommend a product I do not either use, truly love or think would be the best fit for the situation (often determined by budget).
Michael’s “Maven Straps” here:
Army Green
Desert Camo