Spent most of the day running errands to get set up for the next 9 days and then hit the beach/pool for an hour. Wow, we have so many fun things planned. Its nice to be able to relax just a touch before getting back to work (and I will do a lot of that here).
Took an hour in the afternoon on a “picture safari” which is basically a nice walk, taking random pictures as you go. Its so nice to be able to shoot without having to worry about anything, just for the sake of photography and relaxing. I tried to focus on palm trees.
Still havent adjusted to the time, as we are 5 hours behind Alabama and come 10pm here, I am dead tired.
Here are my favorite shots of the day. More to come tomorrow. 🙂
So very jealous…..
Wish I was there!
Wow Michael they look surreal. Were these done with a wide lens and slow shutter speed?
Looking forward to more great ones!
I REALLY need to plan a vacation out there some time. Wow! That first one is my new background picture on my desktop!
Wow, those are pictures are so Cool! Enjoy your time there, can’t wait to see more photos! 🙂