I had a video on here earlier about the 7D – and after watching it realized that it kinda seemed like I was ripping on the 7D, which I wasn’t. I am going to remake that video because the 7D is a really great camera and Im not dissing it at all.

Today I picked up my iPad. I know many of you are probably convinced right now that you are not going to get one – in fact we had a poll on here and many of you said you wouldn’t. I am absolutely sure that this is an extremely revolutionary device, mainly for the “user experience”, and many of you who swore you wouldnt ever buy an “oversized” ipad, will.

I opted for the 64GB, 3G model because we are going to be doing some testing with some new video products. Not exactly sure if this is something I will be doing for sure or not, but I am looking at it. Many of you have wanted downloads for a while, this would be something I would be comfortable with.

I’m going to continue testing it and iPad apps. One of the one’s I am really interested in is Netflix but I hear that it is having some streaming issues. If they can get that sorted out- wow- that would be HUGE- unlimited movies direct to your iPad? Anytime? On 3G? Please tell me someone can get that working right!