I realize I have fallen way behind on my second year of 365. A lot of this has to do with yesterday’s post, but I know I have some breaks in production coming. Im thinking I may not finish in a year, but I will keep chipping away at it when I can.
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I agree. I am doing what I love and living on an island that has so much that I love as well. How lucky am I?. I don’t make nearly what I was making on the mainland, but at least I have been really, really happy nearly the past five years. That is a great trade off. I wouldn’t trade true happiness for money at this point. Thank you for making me feel validated in my thinking.
You put it so well Mike. I’m so happy for you and love seeing you doing something that you obviously enjoy so much and being an inspiration to many people in so many ways. If more people would be willing to make a few course changes they might be surprised at how much more they would enjoy their life.
to put it simple, you are a great inspiration to me and i bet many others, keep doing what you love michael you are a natural..
Michael, as the amateur that i am in photography i’ve learned more from your tutorials than i did from a course i took online. You are inspirational. Keep up the good and hard work.
P.S. put me down for one of those 580EX DVD’s. I have two of them and want to learn how to tame them.
thank you Omar, Matt, Tracy, Diane and Kjersti for your very kind words, I sincerely appreciate it!