Ill have to be quick. We shot tonight and I will getting up early to shoot tomorrow am. Adam (my assistant) and I like to get to certain popular beaches right as they open (no one is around).
If everything goes as planned, tomorrow will be the final day of all shooting on the Lighting Crash Course. (And these are just a few “extra” lessons we are throwing in to the already very good DVD). After tomorrow’s shoot, its just matter of Adam putting it all together, checking one last time for mistakes and then preparing it for purchase.
Im confident the download version will be released sometime next week, with an outside shot of this weekend. DVD’s should be available in about a month. After 3.5 years of working on this on and off, I am very, very READY for this to finish. Ill have to find a fun way to celebrate.
Angie Hills came to help model and learn about strobes. She’s the girl you all see on Facebook in a red rain jacket, holding the camera on the ad about photography. She has also sponsored my last photography contest and is probably my very best photography friend on Maui. Thank you Angie!
This is some great news! Cheers!