Day 294
11.15.2009 | 365
Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance
producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid
specialist. Disclaimer: Michael is a participant in Bhphoto & Amazon affiliate programs
that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through links on this website.
I love that truck!
Michael you look like a superman. Great photo!
Anything good inside that old tank? I love photos that make me feel like I could walk right into them. This is one that does that for me. Nice.
the green is so fake.
Les, what an eye you have! I think that sunlight is fake, too! Michael, you totally Photoshopped in that sun, didn’t you? And that dirt? FAKE!
Hey Les….24-15…go crawl back into your hole….
hey now…everyone be nice 🙂
Agreed, Michael! But one of the inherently appealing things about social media/networking (blogs, for example) that the community self-corrects. Hork.
Haha, you guys are hilarious. As far as the green, I think it is a nice touch, I don’t think it was photoshoped it just stands out probably because of Painballer, Lollipops, or both. The green is an anti corrosion paint, notice there is no corrosion where it is. The same kind of paint used on aircraft prior to painting (I know, I’m a private pilot)… I think it is an awesome shot!