How many cameras were used to take this picture? Other than the Paintballer Pro effect, no Photoshop was used.
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Welcome to Michael’s blog. Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) is a freelance
producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid
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How many cameras were used to take this picture? Other than the Paintballer Pro effect, no Photoshop was used.
Three cameras are somewhat involved, however, it only takes the one camera to actually take the picture 🙂
Two. The angles on your hands are different, thus the camera display is showing a previous picture rather than a live view.
Jeff – Good call!
One camera to take the picture of a camera that took a picture of a camera
It’s three cameras. Otherwise Michael would be an unbelievable illusionist.
Hi Michael, what an interesting post. I like your 365 Project – great. And I have to agree with 3 cameras. Keep up the good work.
It depends if you’re holding a camera as the camera in the picture is blocking you. Three if you are. Two if you aren’t.
Very good! The camera Im holding and the camera that took this picture are the same. 🙂
Technically only one camera took the picture. 🙂
Your right arm is a little off from the one in the LCD display, but it is hardly noticeable.
Oh, I Like!