A huge thank you to Shannon, Phillip, Jamie, Mary and Dana for coming to today’s workshop in Seattle, Washington. We had it at the AMAZING Seattle Library in downtown Seattle. Im more and more convinced that 5 people is the perfect group size anything more and its very hard to work one-on-one with everyone, which is my favorite part. Even if I can only spend 10-15 minutes with each attendee, Im pretty confident I can help improve their images, which we saw today. Its very gratifying, both for the student as well as myself.
I never get used to the fact that it seems an hour after we start its over- the time goes by so fast and at the same time we cover a tremendous amount of information. I really, really enjoy meeting everyone in person, face to face. Wish I could with everyone, but between either shooting or teaching (or doing both) there isnt much more I would rather be doing. 🙂
No, thank you michael….we all had a blast and learned a ton!! PS. You like the name (wink wink).
Thanks michael, had a great tiime, met some new people…and picked up some great tricks too. My name is not as cool as shannons, comming soon though.
If time goes by that fast while you are "working" than you have found your true profession. You are so lucky to have found a job that is so rewarding, fun and helps so many people.
I can’t believe my workshop is tomorrow! It is going to be great!
Shannon, Awesome pictures on your web…if you don’t mind me asking…what kind of camera are you using?