Had a very long and exhausting drive today, but I made it safe and sound to Layton, Utah. Its 2:30am and I am about to crash.
This is from early this morning (yesterday now). Hotels are amazing places for night photography. Just make sure that its in the wee hours (3am-4am) because then you can leave your tripod out and no one will mess with it. f14, 5″, ISO 50, Plus Paintballer Pro. 🙂
These last 2 shots were from the same “shoot”, but because they were location and theme specific, I wouldnt feel right counting them as part of the 365 (even though I am behind)- but am posting them anyway, just for the fun of it. 🙂
Thats pretty cool how the Speedlite fired from all the way over there, that is neat…
2nd Picture- Are you the streak in the carpet? Did you manage to get down stairs and across the carpet in 5 minutes or did you use your pocket wizard?
In the second picture, I am holding the speedlite. 🙂
I like all 3 but the last one is awesome!
That is pretty neat, you are holding the speedlite, thought you were on the opposite side by the camera, coolness… Hey Michael, PLEASE talk about how you did Day 177, loved the shot…