Drove almost 1000 miles in the last 2 days. Today I almost fell asleep at the wheel. I never mess with this, its completely dangerous, so I pulled over and slept for 2 hours at a rest stop. Whenever I do this, I have dreams that I am driving and I have fallen asleep, and then I jump awake all freaked out, only to be in a rest stop. It happens every single time I pull over, weird.
I have my Mac Book Pro back. I am SOOOOO happy to have her back. I have SOOOO many things to post (slideshows mostly) I know many of you are anxiously waiting. Ill have a few days off after tomorrows Shakopee, Mn Workshop, which will be greatly needed.
Ive been looking for a security monitor I could do this shot on for some time, found it in a Walmart Subway. 🙂
Wow.. Another new great idea! The 365 may have to turn into a longer project to give ya a challenge…
That looks fabulous Michael… Very nice and great idea…
My brother did the pull over when too tired once on a really foggy night. He fell asleep almost instantly after pulling over, but like you, woke up in a panic – due to the weather, the windows were fogged on the inside and he could see nothing- he assumed he was still moving – I doubt that brake pedal had ever been stomped on so hard!
Rest rest rest.
I fell asleep several times motorcycling from Hawthorne NV to SF. Just those reflector bumps on the road edge saved me.
You have to take breaks and snack.
In a twist of irony, my hotels internet connection went down- I’ll b posting as soon as it’s fixed (on iPhone now) btw- 580 speedlite DVDs are now shipping
got my speedlite DVD! Thanks Michael!
DVD arrived and there went my afternoon! Everything as promised. Nothing better to explain to someone who has never used it. For those more advanced, any intent to do more advanced wireless operations, techniques or examples? Was hoping for a little more indepth multi light, group examples. Guess that could be a DVD into itself. Well done overall…already recommended it to friends that have never used their flash!
Thanks Rick- I appreciate your feedback, surprised that some of you have already watched all 3.5 hours of it. The Canon Speedlite DVD had one specific purpose, to take watchers from knowing absolutely nothing about their speedlites to becoming advanced users and do it in just a few hours of lessons. This is extremely difficult to do from a teaching standpoint. I believe Ive accomplished this because I try to focus on principles and concepts that can be applied in thousands of different ways, instead of lots of step-by-step set ups, which do not necessarily teach the principles. Many training videos try to teach a recipe and you can follow steps without knowing what you are doing, this is where the breakdown in teaching happens. I believe anyone that watches the DVD and masters the exercises will be an expert Speedlite user. Pay close attention to the Variables chapters and you will have nearly all the tools necessary for any Speedlite Type Shoot. That said, I appreciate what you have mentioned about more Expert lessons dealing with multiple light setups, including more about ratios, etc. You will see several multi light lessons on the Photography Lighting Crash Course DVD which deals with more with advanced technical photography lighting, and not so much as a speedlite. Ive been scripting it for some time now and hope to shoot it later this fall. Look for a December or Jan release date. Best wishes! M
Got my speedlite DVD Friday, thanks Michael! Have watched half of it already an it is totally AWESOME!