You may have seen this type of shot before. Its straight out of the camera, no photoshopping. Obviously it can stand to be sharpened a little, but I wanted to show what you can do in camera with absolutely no PS (at all). The object, a bullet in this case, is a dud, just keep this in mind before you decide to start practing with live ammo. If you decide to do this, pick an interesting and safe object. 🙂
Canon 5DII, 35mm 1.4 L Lens,
This is how you do it:
1. Get your camera set up on a tripod.
2. Use a wide aperture, but not too wide, in this case it was f 1.8
3. Make sure you use the fastest shutter speed possible. In this case 1/8000, bump up your ISO (640) to have this maxed out.
4. Use your live view to find the EXACT DOF location and measure it with your camera strap. (It fell between the C and the A on my Canon Strap)- Make sure your AF switch is turned off so the focus wont change.
5. Bracket your shots by 1/3 stops (if you like, makes it a little easier- camera will take 3 shots instead of 1)
6. Use a 2 second timer
7. Hold the object at the measured distance from the camera, just inches below the lens.
8. Hit the timer, throw the object up just as the camera hits the first exposure. It doesnt need to be thrown far, but you want it to stall right in the frame.
It took just a few minutes – its a good exercise if youve never done this and slightly larger objects are easier depending on the DOF you would like to have. Enjoy!
cool shot i supose you could use the same thing on wildlife to like throw a chicken up in the air i’ll try it when and if i get my camera back
Excellent effect… Now I’m a lil confused on step 4. Do I understand correctly, measure more or less where the object will cross the camera’s view and focus on the item there by holding it on that spot, then turn off AF and proceed?
That’s a 45 ACP, right?
Alex- Yes that is correct.
This will have to go on my "to try" list for sure! Thanks.
It was a lot of fun to try! 🙂