Have several “reboot” products coming out in the next 1-2 weeks. I have redesigned the Michael The Mentor Store to support full Crash Course Training Video Downloads. This is something I have been on the fence about for years, but there are now enough reasons to move forward with it:
1. Project turn around time will be 4-6 weeks faster.
2. Customers will be able to get their training lessons immediately.
3. It allows for easy updates and corrections, such as the Photoshop Crash Course.
4. It will eliminate shipping costs, which in most cases reflects about 25% of the overall fee.
5. Allows me to offer discontinued DVD products indefinitely (such as the Canon 40D DVD) without having to re-print disks.
With Netflix, iTunes and many other companies offering downloads, the DVD really can be on it’s way out. The original store will still be live, but the new store, under the new website name should go live in the next few days. Nearly all DVDs will be available for download, with the exception of the Business Crash Course DVD, which will remain available on disk.
I feel that for the most part, my customers are good, honest people who support what I am doing and will continue to buy my products as downloads if they choose. The DVDs will still be available from 2 different sites for now.
We are just testing the download features over the next few days and it should be good to go shortly.
Thank you for your support!
Good Day Michael, I would suggest creating an option where one can order a package with both the download and a DVD (at an extra fee of course). That would allow one to enjoy the content immediately still having a quality DVD, to be watched on a bigger screen, shipped out. It would be my preferred option. Keep up the great work!
Since you are on the topic of your training vids, when can we expect a lighting or wedding course? I hope soon! 🙂
@J- Great idea man! @Tom- Its coming, wont be for a while though, working on a very huge project right now through March. More to come
I also cannot wait for the lighting dvd
Thx Michael, Is lighting or wedding DVD coming next?
Lighting! Im not so sure if the Wedding one will ever happen now despite the fact we have several hours of it finished.
Love this idea. I was just about to order a DVD, but I prefer the instant download (I’m in Canada). Will be keeping an eye on the site. 🙂
Awesome Michael, Jauvane’s idea would be great to have as an option…