Contract Maker Pro has been on sale for just a few days, and it is just starting to get some attention. I was really worried the first day because we had almost no sales at all. It’s kinda stressful because you work so hard on something for so long and it’s always possible it will end up as a terrible flop. It’s a risk I can live with, still a little stressful, but this is just life.

I have a TON of confidence in CMPro in terms of what it can do document wise. It has the potential to be HUGE. Everyone who has an iphone, ipod, or ipad essentially now has a way to digitally produce any type of business document they need, not just contracts and releases as we saw in Photographers Contract Maker, but all kinds of forms, receipts, bills of sale, promissary notes, you name it, and it also has the ability to produce these forms in just a few seconds. If your customers need to sign, no problem, it was built around digital signatures. This is what makes it so awesome- no more paper, incredible flexibility, extremely fast.

I am working with one company that wants a custom version of it, they sign 12,000 contracts a year and are sick of all the paper. Think of all the paper and $$ saved. CMPro can already handle the very complex intricacies of their forms with the custom placeholders.

Some good things are already happening, I am not getting my hopes up, but I am taking note. As of earlier today, Apple has it listed on the “New and Noteworthy” section on Business, I’m liking that #1 spot, but it probably doesn’t mean anything. Terry White Posted his review on it this morning and he gave it a very rare 5/5.
Terry White’s Review On Contract Maker Pro

Lastly, I have set up 2 forum pages for Contract Maker Pro, the latter will allow you to find very handy templates. Today I posted some example “Photographer’s Contract Maker” templates on there, so you can copy and paste them into CMPro as starter templates if you need.

Contract Maker Pro Support Forum
Contract Maker Pro Template Sharing Page

All the how to videos that are posted on are embedded with Youtube videos. This will allow you to watch on just about any browser or device, including your iPad, iPhone or PC Browser as well.

Now, having said that- I realize many of you have a few questions:

1. When will we see an iPad Native version?
2. When will we see it for the Droid?
3. What is next?

All great questions. For now, here are my answers:

1. Next update to iPad software may solve the resolution issue. There is more to this answer than that statement. Planning some tests when/if I get my new iphone on Thursday and will make my point there. If the new OS4 doesnt solve it, you can expect an HD version of CMPro soon.

2. Droid Version- It all depends on how well CMPro does, we will watch carefully for now. To be honest, PCM sells ok- and if I were to decide on a Droid version of it based on PCM, it probably wouldn’t happen. I will say this, most of the updates and versions will happen with CMPro. I have a HUGE list of updates we will install shortly, and I will also be listening to what customers say. We take everything very seriously when it comes to feedback. I am also making the assumption that there will be other companies out there (as we learned last time) who will randomly decide to copy CMPro, so I have to make my moves wisely and keep future updates/versions as quiet as possible. Nuff said about that.

3. There is a Michael The Maven App coming. It will have a lot of very cool features and it will be FREE. Should work on both iPhone and iPad. Beyond that, I can’t say specifically – but, I will say that I think they are good and useful ideas. We are working to get them out as fast as possible, and as soon as we are ready to launch them, I will let you all know. I can say they are very specific, very aggressive and they will either be home-runs or strike outs because I am aiming for the fences.

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me- I feel I have a lot of you pulling for me and it really helps- I absolutely appreciate it!