Hey everyone! We have a new App that should be approved by Apple any day now. Being this close, I believe it is safe to reveal some of the many, many cool new features:

Contract Maker Elite has the ability to:

– Store up to 3 different Business profiles in settings. This will allow you to store different Business contact info, headers, logos, signatures, and templates with a single touch of a button.

– Add Bold Text to your contracts. Also has italics, as well as blue, red and green colored fonts

– Custom Name your PDF files (includes placeholder support).

– Placeholder Tracking System – Allows you to name and track which placeholders are used where. This will allow you to use the same placeholder in different contracts!

– 200 Custom Text Placeholders!
– 100 Custom Roller Placeholders!
– 100 Custom Checklist Placeholders!

These placeholders are the same as in CMPro, but there many, many more for professionals who need several contracts.

– 100 Custom Initial/Signature placeholders! NEW! – This will allow you to customize your contract in such a way to require your clients to initial or add an additional signature to an important clause of the contract.

– No Upgrade fees for Elite – All new features will be free!

There are several more features coming but we cannot talk about them until iOS5 is released. Very excited for these.

Contract Maker Elite’s initial sale price will be $19.99, $29.99 when iOS5 is released. Standby for more news on Contract Maker Elite!