First of all, let me say thank you so much for visiting my blog. I really, truly do appreciate it and you taking the time to visit. I also want to give you a very sincere thank you for taking the time to contact me, this makes you and I friends.
I’ve set up a number of resources to help answer different types of questions. We are very busy, but will respond to emails as soon as we can. If it is on a business day, you can expect a response in 1-2 business days.
If you are looking for a link to purchase the NEW Maven Adapter, please click here. For more information about the NEW Maven Adapter please click here.
1. If you have a photography type problem or question, absolutely the best resource is the forum: Michael’s Photography Forum There are many other students there who would love to become friends with you and help you with your photography goals. In fact, there is a really terrific chance your question has already been asked and answered there. It’s free, and I also check it regularly. This is the best place for questions about shooting or issues you are having with photography.
2. If you want to know what I personally use in shooting or what my gear recommendations are, please visit: Whats in Michael’s Bag?
3. If you need assistance placing an order for a DVD by phone, please call: 800-846-2004, the call center is open, 24/7. The call center however, is not very helpful for trouble shooting issues with downloads or apps, in those cases see items 4 & 5 below.
4. If you need assistance a DVD or download you have ordered, please email my assistant Kate, who will be happy and quick to help you:
Email: [email protected]
5. If you need assistance with an App, please email: [email protected]
While the above will handle most inquiries, I realize there may be a handful of you who still may wish to speak directly with me, which I understand. I also need to say that due to the sheer amount of email I continue receive every single day, there is a good chance I may not be able to respond immediately, and in many cases, ever. It’s not because I do not care or think I am too cool for school, it’s because I am physically unable to answer everything. I am however, able to read most of my emails, so even if I do not get back with you, let me say thank you in advance for writing.
Some common types of emails I get regularly but can no longer answer at this time:
– Questions about which of 2 lenses to purchase (my lens suggestions are on every crash course video and I have many youtube videos about lenses)
– Questions about something I have already answered and posted that information on, be it a blog post or video, or can be found with a basic search on my blog or google.
– Questions about advice on something that I do not have enough information on to answer.
– Photography questions that can, and should be asked on the forum.
– Questions about reviewing your images or portfolio for critical feedback
– Questions that may be interpreted as irrelevant, for example, if the “D600 and 6D preform similarly in a certain function, can you show us how similar”? Sometimes you need to just take my word for it. 😉
– Fanboy, Troll, Baiting, hate, threat emails (yes I do get them).
– You may have a very important, relevant question, but I also may be very, very busy and simply unable to answer. I simply hate to when this happens, unfortunately it happens daily.
In the event you still need to email me, this is my personal email address: Email: [email protected]
Thanks and happy shooting!