Today I received a package from my father which contained his barely used Canon 30 D. He also sent me some Camera Armor, something I had heard of but never seen. Its an interesting idea, basically a rubberized glove that fits over the camera body. I am usually extremely careful with my cameras, but I would have liked this in the jungles of Honduras last year. If you are shooting in wildness, or extreme situations, this would be a great investment. Comes in camo too!I have been furiously working on my Canon 40 D video and I would estimate 85% of the shooting is finished. This is going to be a fantastic DVD and will also include the first year of my Michael Andrew Photography School Lessons spliced in with the functions of the Canon 40 D. Its basically “Beginning Digital Photography with the Canon 40 D”. Would love to have it wrapped up next week. Again, Ive really dug into this camera and know it better than my 20 Ds, simply because if I am teaching it, I am expected to know it. Ive also learned several great short cuts in the menu which will save tons of time in the future.

A few things I have noticed about the 40 D is that it seems to shoot slightly hot in terms of color saturation. I have turned this setting down to -2 in standard mode and it appears to be closer. Ive also noticed that the auto white balance doesnt seem to be as savvy as the 20D, which is unfortunate. Other than that, it rocks in every single other aspect.