UPDATE:Michael’s Notes On The Canon 6D

– I recieved word of the 6D announcement as I was literally boarding my plane last night and wanted to throw in my 2 cents:

I am convinced now more than ever that Canon, somehow, must know exactly what Nikon is doing, because nearly every single instance that Nikon comes out with something better, Canon answers with just enough to up the ante. The 6D is in direct competition with the D600 as a upper-mid range full frame camera, they are practically the same price.

What gives the 6D the edge: (Just my opinion):
1. Built in Wi Fi. This will allow photographers to not only control the camera through an iOS or Android App, it also allows for wireless sharing without tethering. This is HUGE, many wonderful applications here.

2. Built in GPS. Up until now, an additional module was required for this feature. Not a game changer, but because it is built in, it adds about $150 value to the 6D.

3. Touch Screen Monitor. Nikon hasnt answered this yet, but I am sure they will. I really love this feature on the T4i.

There are a few other goodies like headphone jack (very nice), All-I compression and other video features, HDR, Multiple Exposure mode, etc.

I am a little disappointed with the focusing squares. Only 11, with one cross type? Feels like Canon is holding back. The T4i has 9 cross type focus squares. Hard to say until we can test it out. Hypothetically speaking, if I was a Canon designer, we would be seeing the best of the tecnhology in every new camera that came out. Thats just me…

All that said, I am very excited for the 6D and you can bet I will get my hands on the first copy I can.


Canon has just officially announced the Canon 6D. Its a full frame camera that is in between the 5DMkii and 5DMKiii. It is scheduled for release this december with a price tag of $2,099 for the body only. Canonrumors.com has gotten their hands on the full specs of the camera.