via Canon Rumors
According to Canon Rumors the 5D IV will be announced in a few months. They got some tips on rumored specs but say to take it “with a grain of salt” as they don’t personally know the person who sent it in. With that being said here they are;
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Rumored Specifications
24.2MP Sensor
61 AF Points (41 crosstype)
DIGIC 7+ (Single)
ISO 100-51,200 (expandable options)
3.2″ touchscreen LCD
CFast/SD card slots
Wifi built-in
GPS built-in
BG-E20 battery grip
LP-E20 battery
Slight weight reduction
So what do you think? What would you like to see on the next 5D?
4k and a flapy screen.. DR improvement like 80D ,eye tracking
CFast/SD card slots are really unlikely. The preseries version has a CF/SD card slot like the Mark III.
A new battery is also totally unlikely.
Wifi and GPS will be in it.
The 24 MP sensor is likely, but a prototype with a different sensor exist.
4K video recording with up to 30 fps is also very likely.
Add an optical/Evf like I heard talk about for this new camera.
Optical if you want or Evf if you want.
So we don’t have to chimp anymore.