There are several very interesting facts about Arizona’s Conceal Carry Laws:
1. You do not need to be an Arizona Resident to take a Conceal Carry Certification Class.
2. Arizona’s Conceal Carry Permit is recognized by some ~30 other States, 37 if you are a resident of Az.
3. Most certifcation classes are about 4 hours long, but there are shorter (2 hour) and longer 7-8 hour classes available.
4. It is legal to conceal carry in Arizona without a Conceal Carry permit, as long as you are not a felon or intoxicated.
5. If you have a Conceal Carry Permit, you may bring your firearm into a business that serves alcohol, as long as you are not drinking and there are no signs restricting carry of firearms on location.
Suffice it to say, Arizona has some of the most pro 2nd Amendment laws I have ever heard of.
As a side note, Ive been debating whether or not to chime in on the whole gun debate issue, and I think I will soon just because my conscious isnt letting me not say something. My comments and thoughts may surprise many of you & I realize many of you will disagree with what I have to say, but to be clear, I am definitely a supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
Why does the 2nd amendment have the word ‘Militia’ in it if everyone is entitled to carry a gun? Does ‘Militia’ imply no restrictions what so ever? Shouldn’t there be SOME restrictions?
I guess Arizona’s not a good place to be a violent predatory criminal in. Might have to move there one day.
@jlawr- I would strongly recommend reading Scalia’s Majority opinion on DC vs Heller 2008, wherein he specifically answers your questions. It is a fantastic (and long) read, and I would probably say required of anyone interested in getting into a serious discussion about the 2nd Amendment. Curiously, your initials seem to suggest that you might be a lawyer, and if so, you have probably already read it- and if so why the questions?
Murder, rape, robbery and terrorism are already illegal so the entire discussion is misplaced. For starters, maybe the behavior of some is, in part, due to trying to adapt to a society with a lot of dysfunction. That would imply that we need to look way outside the box on this one and others.
Under the 2nd both Militias and the people could be armed. Two more check balances against tyranny we were not taught about in Civics 101.
Obviously militias pretty much were eliminated after the Civil War as eventually the Federal Government replaced them with its own Nation Guard and let the States administer them.. So the South’s clinging to slavery and resultant Civil War pretty much emasculated States rights. IMHO.
The 2nd amendment was put in place to keep the government in fear of the people not the people in fear of the government. What stops tyranny is the people who elect the government servants outgun the government who wants to enslave them. The day the government outguns the legal citizens is the day tyranny starts. The first thing every despot does is take away firearms. Germany, Russia, China, Cuba etc etc. Beyond that it is a 10 yr felony to purchase a firearm illegally. It is a 10 yr felony to use it in the commission of a crime. We have more than enough laws what we don’t have is enforcement. If I want to carry conceal it’s my right for my safety and my family’s safety. I am a law abiding citizen that is my right. The government has no right to take guns from law abiding citizens. 33% of all crimes are done by multiple perpetrators so a 6 round revolver is NOT a good choice. Ask the mother of 2 young girls who defended herself and emptied her 38 revolver 5 times into the perp. He left voluntarily if there where 2 perps her and her 2 daughters would have been violated possible killed. Are we going to limit mothers who want to defend their daughters from the rapists and thugs in this country? Every politician swears on the Holy Bible to defend the constitution, The Bill Of Rights is part of the Constitution. When they attack the 2nd amendment they violate their oath of office and their oath to God. As far as I’m concerned they should all be recalled from office in disgrace.