For those of you who have been following the on-going saga of my Apple Mac Book Pro, you should know that last weekend, the disk drive failed, and I had to send it in to be replaced. This was the third major failure that Ive had with this laptop that required me to send it in or otherwise wipe the drive and re-load all the software.
I know most Mac users are happy with their Macs- I am KEENLY aware of this, it just happens that mine had been very sucky on a level that defies any and all description. Even up to the disk drive failure, it was crashing 2-3 times a day and the wireless card went kaput.
I got a call from “The Customer Escalations” department that my Mac would be replaced with a brand spankin new Mac Book Pro, with a bigger hard drive, faster processor, and Leopard- at no cost to me.
YAY! (I wonder if the rep read my blog entries about this? lol)
Finally I hope that I can fall in love with a Mac like most everyone I know who owns one has. 🙂
Sweet…Nothing better then free.
What were the results of your contest???
Mike, I have to say my family is a little jealous. We lost everything on our Mac when Isabel knocked it off the bed. They tried to remote access, some ‘clean air" retrieval, and now our only option is to send it to CA to have a company try and resurrect it from looks like we may never see Isabel’s pictures again…So sad! But we’re so happy for you!
Still deciding on the contest….post winner when I announce next contest. 🙂
Hi, Michael.
It sucks what happened eith your macbook pro. I have a macbook and I love it. one thing though, all Electronics are not 100% reliable so there will always be a chance for an electronic device to fail. did you know that electronics and mechanical devices have a life time. what I mean is that they are just like people, with time they get slower and stop performing as they used to.
On campus I have to use a Mac 95% of the time, and at home I use a PC. I would say the times even own during the week on using them both constantly. I have to admit, it seems the Macs just don’t like me, they always seem to crash and give me issues. I thought it was possibly due to the computers being 2 years old, but last semester our campus just updated to new Macs this year and they still seem to give me issues. I have lost more things on Macs than my PC. I’m not saying I’m telling individuals not to buy Macs, but from my own personal experience hasn’t been such a great one.
I love some features Macs do offer, and Final Cut Pro is great, but I wish I would just have better luck using them. For now, I’ll just stick with my PC. Maybe the Mac knows this and that’s why it doesn’t like me.