Had a great shoot today down in Montgomery with Michelle of Alabama Weddings Magazine, her assistants Laura and Misty, Jill from Weddings By Jill, her crew, and an assembly of fantastic models. It was an all day thing and all I can say is wow. I LOVE these shoots because I get to try things Ive learned but havent had a chance. Special lighting situations, shooting conditions, etc. I took 2 sets of HDR photos (something Ive never had a good chance to try). I also like having the time to experiment with different things.

Again, while I dont have permission to show the good stuff until January, Michelle did happen to get a couple of me in action which she gave me the go ahead to post. Its SO weird to have my picture taken, especially with my camera. I dont think I like it….I need a tan! lol

I think I could do these shoots all day, everyday, pretty much for the rest of my life.