This is Hilarious, I got an email from a complete stranger named Amie Himes this afternoon.
“I looked over your website — very cluttered by the way — and can find nothing of value. Why do you spend so much of your time promoting YOURSELF? You are, at best, a mediocre photographer. The images from Haiti are lifeless and look like they were made by an aide worker. Your wedding work is lacking ‘moments’, good composition and are way too affected with post processing crap.”
That’s the entirety of the email- no questions, just your typical, basic hate email. Did a quick search on the internet and found his/her info on Linked in. Looks like he/she, lives in Washington DC Metro Area and works in “media”. Interestingly…the creator of the knock off App also lives in the Washington DC Metro Area and works in media.
I’m sure its just a coincidence!
I love hate emails! Please keep them coming!
cant belive u get those kind of mails , i love your work and u defently a awsome photographer ;o) a big fan of your work melanie
That made me smile! Obviously you have made someone feel insecure in their own little world. Now they feel like they need to push you down. Too bad they don’t know anything. A good business person must spend time promoting themselves/their business! Keep up the good work, and keep posting the hate mail, it’s entertaining.
Im so glad you put this up here because they didnt have the guts to say it publicly. This is unprofessional, and someone who has way too much time on their hands. Its funny how people act when they feel threatened and desperate.
Hmmm, and yet nothing said about all that you have done in the area you specialize in most – Teaching. Interesting "coincidence" Michael – my husband laughed all the way through as I read him your blog 🙂 Oh, sad sad copy cat.
Thanks for the chuckle Michael!
I LOVE haters. It lets you know you are doing something right if someone is unsettled enough to complain.
I Hate, that there aren’t 2 of you… Then I could be buying twice as often and learning twice as much. (wink).
I find that many people have such an easy time criticizing other people mainly because it’s easier to lash out at other people than it is to look at yourself and work on your own shortcomings. Even I have done it and have to catch myself and put on the brakes.
Michael you obviously are an inspiration to many, me included, and I love your positive outlook. Never question your ability to impact others, because you definitely do. I simply appreciate the time, money, and effort you put into going over to Haiti and becoming part of the solution, the images were just an added bonus and a way for all of us to become a part of it.
Thank you for all that you do.
In one ear and out the other they obviously don’t have a clue keep up the good work or should I say great work LOL
I was about to sign up to your blog then I realized that you were a Canon man… I so dislike Canon >:-) hehehe.. Just kidding! (how’s that for hate?) LOL.
No but seriously… your site, and posts on youtube are great. Plenty of useful info and the pics are great.
BTW, the cheap photographer video… I always get a laugh about that! Who would have thought that the Judge had some skillz behind the viewfinder. hahaha
Keep up the great work dude!
Amie you clearly have never ordered one of Michaels dvds You are most def clueless…..
Wow! This "Amie" person sure sounds insecure!!!!!! Geez……apparently he/she was looking through the wrong website because I’ve done nothing but learn from your site and your DVDs…..clearly an insecure person wrote that……
I get hate mail from strangers, and I don’t even have my own website or product, they are from "yes" an online dating site. When I get them, I love to write back to these people, and ask them what provoked them to take the time out of their day to write to a complete stranger and say what they had to say given the fact that I had never contacted them to begin with. I never get a response back.
You know you’ve made it when you get that kind of email. When you’re a nobody, nobody cares.
Wow! Obviously, she has nothing better to do… and your pictures in Haiti were so horrible that they were put on national news! You amaze me with all the things you do, and your photography work is absolutely fabulous! Wish you had been able to do MY wedding!
Totally awesome. Busted her.
WOW! I agree with Steve…you know you’ve arrived when perfect strangers make time to let you know they are jealous of your talents lol! Love you Michael =)
LOL thats classic!
This person is seriously asking why Michael promotes himself? Well, because IT’S HIS BLOG!!!!
Plus the best part about a site like this when I first discovered it is that it’s beyond photography. Even something as small as a movie review or as powerful as his personal mission to Haiti makes this a site I check everyday because I never know what I’m going to read.
That is so funny. Watch out Michael….looks like you have an admirer. He He!
sometimes the truth hurts and other times we are blinded by all the "ass kissers" that come to make positive/cheerful comments on this site. Your blog entries are of no value. Your post processing is highly excessive and unnecessary. You promote your products (nothing wrong with that) and besides your videos, i have not learned a thing from just looking at overly touched up pictures. There you have it…another man’s opinion.
LOL- Awesome Saban…and here you are, on my worthless blog, full of worthless information, taking time out of your day to actually make a comment about…my post processing? I know some people don’t like Paintballer Pro, which is fine however, if you are intentionally trying to insult me, I mean…can’t you do better than that?
This hate email blogger is a nobody, fies under the radar and obviously has not achieved anything.
Anyone who appears on the radar is going to get shot at by some idiot!!
Keep flying high Michael:)
Michael, whatta a moron Saban, some people are just incredible… Only a moron is dumb enough not to learn from you Michael. If my 85 year old grandfather, non english speaking, picked up a few tips from a few of your videos…
Hey Saban you ever wonder why there is so many people that show their appreciation here .It’s because he has TRULY helped MANY and has taught me about 90% of what I’ve learned and has something you"ll prob never be able to achieve, that is character and you know what they say about opinions
Well.. I wont say he is awesome but surely he is one of my favorite photographers. I regularly visit M’s blog to see and learn new stuff. But sadly these days I dont see much of his work in photographs. He is usually busy telling us about his day or promoting some of his stuff. I dont say this is bad in any way, but surely its not what I visit his blog for. I hope to see more of his photographs in future and to learn some new stuff about photography.
After reading this felt compelled to give you a pat on the back. I would consider myself an intermediate level photographer and have found the information here extremely useful. I just purchased a Canon DSLR and looking for ways to use it better, I have found Michael’s videos very informative and useful. The best thank you I can send is by purchasing one of the videos that go into greater depth for my training and understanding, something Canon does not offer. Thank you Michael!
I dont understand why self promotion is so bad? I feel lucky to have found Michael’s videos on Youtube, which were extremely helpful. The free exercises on his school were also very useful. His DVDs are amazingly good. I WANT to know when he has something new coming.
All well known photographers have either products or services the promote and it’s perfectly acceptable. Becker, Image is Found, Jessica Claire, Jasmine Star, David Jay, etc. all sell their own products or seminars on their own websites.
I guess her mom didn’t teach her that if she can’t say anything nice, she shouldn’t say anything at all! Yeesh! Hate mail is fun for a laugh though! 🙂
I Know Amie Himes and have some very good pictures of her in action! She is currently invloved with a married man from texas and is quite the freak.