I know Ive been slacking big time on my photography…I feel awful about it. This is, after all a photography blog.

Well..tomorrow you will probably want to come back and read some of my New Year’s Resolutions, one of which is to post a picture, every day, get this…of myself. Im totally uncomfortable with this idea, I hate having pictures taken of me in a huge way. However, there is a thread in the forum called the 365 Self Portrait and I have been so impressed with the creativity of beginning photographers in this that I simply have to try it. More on this to come.

Ive made a new friend who is just starting to get into photography. Its fun because I dont think she completely understands who I am and what I do, but when she first mentioned to me that she was just getting into photography, I said “thats cool…I might be able to help you learn….” 🙂 We went down to Temple Square in Salt Lake City for a quick lesson on long exposures using a Tripod. I gave her a copy of the Digital Photography Crash Course to help her get started.

These are some images taken with the 5D II, in RAW and processed in Lightroom 2. Its the first shoot Ive done in 2 months, my hands have been so tied up with the Photoshop Crash Course and Canon 50D DVD, and then the marketing for them.

Not much, but it was good to shoot again, and I am recommitting myself to getting creative with my photography.