Chapter 12 – The Abacus-

Here is the calculation on how much time we would use if we spent 2 hours a day watching TV or on Social Media:

2 hrs per day x 7 days per week = 14 hours per week

14 hours per week x 52 weeks in a year = 728 hours per year

728 hours per year X 76 Years in an average lifetime = 55,328 hours in a lifetime

55,328 hours in a lifetime / 24 hours in a day = 2,305 Days Used

2,305 days used / 365 days in a year = 6.31 years in front of the TV or on Social Media

6.31 straight years x 1.33 to account for sleeping 8 hours (or 1/3 of a day) = 8.21 effective years in front of the TV or on social media!

The heart of the matter is this: if you must spend a few hours each day doing something, make sure it is meaningful and worth while!