Thank you to Tom Moler for this suggestion. is an absolutely incredible resource for getting design work done quickly. I am placing an important ad in a very high traffic, specific for my target market type location and I wanted a very creative, catchy ad made.
I’ve played with the design a little bit, but realized I just didnt have the time to get the look I wanted, so I decided to try out I needed to get the art within 2 days, and after starting my project I had about 56 possibilities. Some of these artists are very talented, and I have narrowed it down to my favorite 7. You can check out, and vote on the finalists here: MIchael The Maven Ninja Banner Ad Designs
Be sure to click on each banner as these are animated! 🙂
You can get all kinds of designs made by an incredible pool of designers. A very highly recommended website!
#53 is best visually, but I like the way #28 incorporates your name. I think linking to your name is key in marketing and should be done right away not after a click. I like the theme!!!!
It won’t let me rate or comment on them individually. Some have too much going on and are too fast and flashy and a couple are too slow. I found #52 to be just right for me because I can read what it is but still has some movement/flare. Good luck Michael!