FINALLY! News of new Canon DSLR technology, I was sad about the rehashing of that same 18MP over and over. Here it is: has leaked the specs on the unreleased Canon 70D , this looks very real and they even have a large image you can click on and check out, which I recommend. The highlights:

– New Digic 5+ Processor
– New Live View Focusing Technology, up to 5 times faster
– New 20.2 Sensor
– 7 FPS high speed burst
– 19 AF points (Sounds like the 7D’s Optical Focusing System)
– Articulating Touch Screen Monitor similar to T4i, T5i
– Built in Wi-Fi (yay! Love that feature)

It sounds very, very similar to the 7D, in fact, better in many regards. There are a few unanswered questions, such as price, does it have a flash transmitter (most likely will), what is the body made out of etc. We will know July 2 when the announcement is made.

This also seems to suggest that the 7D is going to be replaced in the near future, as the 70D desirability will effect the 7D’s sales. Its just a matter of time now.

Canon Rumors specs on unreleased Canon 70D