Had a great shoot tonight with Neli’s Best Friend Ina and decided to use her some of her images for the 580 Speedlite DVD. I feel really lucky to know these girls because I need models for the DVD and they were so happy and willing to step in. Ill be showing how I did all of these shots on the DVD. Thank you so much for a great shoot tonight Ina! I really appreciated it!
Who do you guys think Ina looks most like?
The first is an example of Slow Sync with the 580 EXii.The 2nd example is Painting with Light- Ill have a video posted on this soon. The Third is Manual Off Camera Flash with the 580 EX II.
Let’s see… Hanging out with (at least) 3 beautiful women in Hawaii for several weeks and taking great pictures. Where are the applications to be Michael’s assistant posted?
Well, let’s see…..in the first shot she kinda looks like Jennifer Aniston? Maybe? A little?
Hey, I am soooooooo looking forward to the painting with light video……woo-hoo! Great job Michael in everything that you do. You make learning fun! 😉
She looks like Chrissy from Threes Company.
I think she just needs a Samurai sword and a motorcycle jump suit.
Barbra Streisand
Im going with UMA THURMAN!
Yeah, a little like Uma Thurman!
LOL…your dad’s comment is the best. I agree. I think he has it right on.
One of the Russian professionals on "Dancing With the Stars." Can’t remember her name.