I looked all over the internet and found a GREAT quality Paracord belt. Paracord is extremely strong, lightweight rope – used by the military for parachutes. A couple years ago someone came up with the swell idea of weaving it into bracelets (which are also very cool), I didn’t know that you could get belts of the stuff made until a blog reader suggested it. I usually carry about 50′ of nylon rope in my bag, which I can now remove and literally wear the “rope” around my waist. My belt is about 124′ long when unraveled.

There are several kinds all over the internet, but I wanted something that was as close to a normal belt as possible, something flat, and something that appeared to be a normal belt. I found just the thing on Ebay. Cost? $22 plus shipping! It looks to be very high quality and I think the guy did a great job on it (they have to be made by hand) Here is the link:

Paracord Belts on Ebay